Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Race Week is FINALLY here!

I can’t believe it is finally here… Only 5 more days until the Marine Corps Marathon! It definitely seemed like a better idea 11 months ago but oh well I committed to this.

There have been plenty of ups and downs along the way. There have been times when it seemed absolutely impossible to go that extra mile. The training program has forced me to push my body to extremes but it has also been a tough mental test. This is an experience I will certainly never forget!

It all comes down to Sunday at 8:00am. The delightful carbo load will begin on Thursday. Lavana and the babies will arrive on Friday followed by Momma Davis on Saturday. I can’t wait for everyone to get here and get the weekend started.

Monday, October 17, 2011

20 Mile Run

Sunday was a BIG day in my training program. I completed my longest run to date. I used Sunday's run as a dress rehearsal for the marathon. I got up early, ate breakfast and prepared for the run.

I started the run at 7:58am. I ran the first two miles at a super slow pace. I wanted to make sure I would complete the run without any problems. The MLK Memorial dedication took place on Sunday which forced me to change my usual route. I started at my apartment and made my way down the mall towards the White House. From the White House, I ran into Georgetown, around the Kennedy Center and over the Memorial Bridge. Once I reached the Memorial Bridge I decided to run to the Marine Corps Memorial. It was definitely my favorite part of my run. It gave me the motivation to finish the run and also got me pumped up for the marathon. After I ran the loop around the USMC memorial, I ran the Mount Vernon Trail to Reagan National Airport. I made the turn at 12.79 miles back towards my apartment. I started to struggle when I reached the 14th Street bridge back into DC. The temperature had increased and my legs where starting ache. I pushed through the pain and made my way up towards the Capitol. The incline of Capitol Hill felt like Everest. I hit the 20 mile mark in 4 hours. It was a great feeling. However, my legs were shot. Climbing the stairs up to my apartment was the biggest accomplishment of the day.

The Marine Corps Marathon is just 13 days away. I can't believe it is almost here. I am excited to see the family and experience this with them. I know running the marathon is not going to be easy but I definitely think it will be worth all of the hard work in the end! 

Army 10 miler

On October 9th, my friends and I took part in the annual Army 10 Miler race. It was a great experience. The morning of the race was a little difficult.Laura, Lex and I had taken part in Olive Garden's Never Ending Pasta Bowl the night before the race. It was delicious. However, we had trouble moving afterwards. We spent the night before the race watching Elf in our stretchy sweatpants. It was definitely a sight.

The race was a lot of fun. We all made the agreement to take it easy and just have fun with it. We ran most of the course and walked when needed. We weren't allowed to carry phones or cameras along the course so the only photos we have were taken before and after the race. Here are some photos taken just before we made our way to the starting line:

After the race we went over to a local sports bar where we ordered a large amount of food. The wings and crab dip were a must! 

Sunday night we decided to wear our comfy Army 10 miler T-shirts and head over to the White House for some pictures.  It was a great way to finish out the weekend.   

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I completed my second half marathon on September 10, 2011. The best part of this race was I set a new PR of 2:17:24. I most certainly did not expect to knock 5 minutes off of my first my half marathon time. My goal was to go out there and see if I was able to keep up a race pace for the entire race. I far exceeded my goal despite some major obstacles.

The weather during the week of the race was not ideal thanks to lovely tropical storm that headed our way. We weren’t quite sure if there would even be a race. On Thursday, we received confirmation that the race was on. We were warned that the course was going to be wet and muddy.

The weather on Saturday could not have better for a race. It was a cool 75 degrees at the start of the race. Unlike big races, there were no divisions or corrals. Everyone started at the same time. This was a great way for me to focus on my own pace and not let myself take off with the faster runners. I started off feeling great and motivated to finish strong. However, this feeling did not last. The race only had a few water stations spread throughout the race which only provided water. The course was quite boring as well. It was a path set in the woods along the Potomac River. The path was muddy and smelled like a sewer in some areas. It was not ideal.

I pushed myself the final two miles when I realized I could set a new PR. I was tired and depleted any energy. The finish line seemed like it was playing a cruel joke by moving further and further away. I crossed the finish line at 2:17:24! I was tired and relieved to be finished. My friends, Brooke and Justin, were there to greet me and take a lovely photo. (Note to self: get a spray tan before the next race!)

After the race, we walked over to Chadwicks for a delicious burger and french fries. That is the point of this whole running thing right??? Anyway, the race was challenging but despite the negative I still improved. I think I am ready to take on the next challenge and move closer to completing my goal of the Marine Corps Marathon!

Next up: Army 10 miler on Sunday, October 9th for Laura and Lex. Can’t wait!              

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mother Nature is a Bitch!

Well last week threw a major wrench into my marathon training program. On Tuesday, I experienced my first earthquake. It is an experience that I can honestly say I NEVER want to relive. After standing outside of our office for over an hour, we were told to go home. Most people went straight home. I went to the bar. The last thing on my mind was my run. I needed a drink!

Just when we thought DC was in the clear Irene shows up on our radar. I spent the next few days following the bitch’s path. We heard she could be a possible Cat 2 or Cat 3 storm by the time it got to DC. Luckily, she wasn’t as intense as projected and she hit east of DC. No need to worry though my friends and I still had a great hurricane party.

The result of this second disaster was I missed my long run on Sunday. Sundays are the worst days to miss during the training program. I realize the hurricane was beyond my control and I can’t beat myself up about it. My number goal right now is to get back on track. The author of my program says that if you miss a run you just have to move on. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I plan to run a half marathon on September 10th in Georgetown. It’s a small 9/11 memorial race with only 250 registrants. I’m looking forward to running this race. I think it’s going to be a great motivator for the remaining days leading up to the marathon. I just hope I don’t finish last!    

Monday, August 8, 2011

It’s time!

My 16 week marathon training is in full swing. I’m really excited that I’ve started this insane journey. I am fully aware that it will be challenging. There will be times that I will love it and times where I will curse it. But there is nothing better than pushing yourself to a limit. I think much of the appeal of running a marathon is proving to yourself that you can do something many people think you can’t. That is certainly on my list of reasons… Dad!

My training program consists of 4 training runs and 2 days of core strength training. I’m not a huge fan of the core training but I know it is a necessary part of the program. I ran 8 miles yesterday and felt great. The weather cooled down slightly to 88 degrees which was nice. I still have a long way to go if I’m going to cross the 26.2 mile finish line though. I plan to just take things one mile at a time.  

Here are a couple of fun photos from a run Laura and I did over the 4th of July weekend. Enjoy!  

Before the run

After the run

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

When in doubt…Run again!

Self-doubt is something I think every runner encounters at some point. I certainly suffered from it during and after my Saturday run. I wasn’t feeling great but still made it out for a 3 mile run. I struggled the entire time. Maybe it was the heat or something in the air but I just couldn’t stay positive. I beat myself up for taking a long break during the month of June and told myself there is no way I will ever be able to do a marathon.

Despite my Negative Nancy attitude on Saturday, I still woke up early on Sunday for a run. I made sure I was hydrated properly and made my way to the National Mall. I didn’t set out for any particular distance. I had hoped to complete a 4-5 mile run but just went with the flow. The weather was fantastic and the tourists were at a minimum. I completed a 5 mile run without one bit of doubt. It felt great! I definitely have my confidence and stride back!

The lesson I learned here is not to let the bad runs get to me. Every runner has their moments. You just have to shake them off and keep going.

“It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.”  ~Author Unknown